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Why TestAs is Important for Your Academic Journey?

Why TestAs is Important for Your Academic Journey?

  • Why TestAs is Important for Your Academic Journey?

    Why TestAs is Important for Your Academic Journey?

    • 09 July 2024
    • Posted By : Admin

    Starting on crucial and challenging academic journey, in any foreign country especially in Germany, could be very exciting as well as challenging. For students, who aspire to complete they’re under graduation in Germany, TestAs has a significant role.  TestAs is a standardized test which not only helps you to secure admission into your dream university at Germany but also shows and informs universities about you that to what extent you are ready to achieve academic success in your life. In this detailed analysis, we will discuss the various aspects of TestAs, its significance, and how it can significantly impact your educational journey.

    Analysis of TestAs

    What is TestAs?

    TestAs is a standardized aptitude test created for students who want to complete their undergraduate degree in Germany. TestAs assesses cognitive abilities and academic skills which are very important to succeed in higher education in country like Germany.

    It is in three languages: German, Arabic, and English.

    Structure of TestAs

    The TestAs is divided into two main parts:

    • Core Test: tests students about their general cognitive abilities for this it has questions related to quantitative problems, logical reasoning, and inferring relationship where they test students’ knowledge about English, Vocabulary, analogy, etc. It has multiple-choice questions that test student’s analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
    • Subject-Specific Test Modules: Depending on which subject student wish to complete his higher education he as to choose the subject-specific module. Its analysis s and measures the student’s knowledge and skills in that particular subject.

    Following Subject-Specific Modules are available:

    Paper Based Test As has 4 Subject-Specific Modules:
    • Humanities, Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences Module
    • Engineering Module
    • Economics Module
    • Math’s, Natural Science and Computer Science Module
    Digital Test As has 6 Subject-Specific Modules:
    • Medicine (for specific programs)
    • Life Science
    • Humanities, Cultural Studies, and Social Science Module
    • Engineering Module
    • Economics Module
    • math’s, Natural Science and Computer Science Module

    Each module is tailored to evaluate the competencies required for specific subject and ensures that the student is ready for that particular subject related higher education completely.

    Why TestAs test is important?

    There are numerous reasons which makes this TestAs important tool to fulfill the students dream to study in Germany.  They are:

    1. It Increases chances of University Admissions:

    Primarily, TestAs score is very crucial for securing admissions in German Universities because many German universities consider TestAs scores as part of their admission criteria, especially for bachelor’s degree. Here’s how it can enhance your application:

    • Focused Selection of Students: TestAs score helps to identify cognitive abilities and academic skills. In contrast to TestAs, other assignments, for example, statement of purpose, letter of motivation, or recommendation letters provides only subjective analysis of the student. TestAs scores offer a standardized assessment that universities can rely on to
    • Supplementary Evidence: For students from diverse educational backgrounds, TestAs scores serve as additional tool to evaluate their academic caliber. It helps universities assess student is ready for higher education.
    • Gamesmanship Edge: In today’s scenario where Germany is providing free tuition fees in Public Universities and comparatively less tuition fees in Private universities in highly lucrative educational programs with limited spots, a high TestAs score can set the student apart from other students with less TestAs score. It clearly helps to identify student’s caliber to handle the academic rigor of the program which the student has selected hence increases chances of acceptance in university of your choice.

    2. Indirect Assessment of Language Proficiency

    Although TestAs does not particularly tests students’ language proficiency, student who performs well in Test As indirectly helps to understand his language proficiency as this TestAs is available in German, Arabic and English Languages. Test As scores indirectly access students’ ability to understand and work with academic content in German or English. This is particularly important for international students who may need to prove their language proficiency.

    • Academic German or English Language Skills: TestAs measures the student’s caliber to understand and analysis texts which uses academic style English and German language; therefore, if a student is performing well in TestAs it shows his ability to understand, analyze and comprehend the text which is given in either of the languages and hence will be able to address any difficulty if at all he comes across while completing his education.
    • Enhancing and Adorning Languages: Non-native English-Speaking students appear for various other tests too along with TestAs Like TestDaF (Test of German as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Altogether these scores provide overall information and measurement of students linguistic and cognitive abilities.

    3. Self-Improvement and Self-discipline Development

    TestAs s preparation is not only for just for getting admission into a student’s dream university in Germany is not just about gaining admission to a university but it is also a very important and precious tool for self-improvement undeveloped self-discipline by following ways:

    • A Greater understanding about Strengths and Weaknesses: While preparing for TestAs student comes to know and identify his strengths and weakness areas in wide array of academic knowledge related to subject which he wants to further study and also about his reasoning skills, cognitive abelites. So, a student can identify weakness and start improving it.
    • Benchmarking Your Abilities: TestAs provides a benchmark against which you can measure your academic abilities. It gives you a realistic understanding of where you stand in comparison to other international students, helping you set achievable goals for your academic journey.
    • Makes Student Confident about his Capabilities: Preparing TestAs under right guidance by experienced teacher will not only builds confidence to score well in testAs but also boosts student’s confidence. Trainer makes sure that the student has the necessary skills to succeed in a foreign academic environment, reducing anxiety and uncertainty about this future studies.

    4. TestAs Prepares a Student for Undergraduate Studies

    TestAs is created to enhance the thinking and problem-solving skills needed while studying in university in Germany. Preparing for and taking the testAs can provide a valuable improvement in the academic challenges ahead and help student develop the skills needed for success.

    Test As improves following areas:

    1. It improves student’s thinking ability and ability to analyzes difficult and complex situations and problems in life. These skills are crucial for educational and person success in life.
    2. Time Management and Test-Taking Strategies
    3. The subject-specific modules in TestAs are aligned with the academic content of your chosen field of study.

    5.  Claim Scholarship from various universities

    Scholarships can reduce the financial burden of studying in Germany. For certain scholarships TestAs score plays a vital role so a great TestAs score opens doors to scholarships and lot of other financial aids.

    • Merit-Based Scholarships: Student can get this scholarship if he is academically strong along with great TestAs score
    • Strengthens Applications: Including your TestAs scores in scholarship applications will strengthen your overall profile.

    6. Preference over students in Admissions

    In highly competitive fields or programs with limited spots, a high TestAs score can give you a significant competitive edge.

    • Differentiating Factor: With many applicants vying for a limited number of spots, a strong TestAs score can differentiate you from the competition. It showcases your academic abilities and preparedness, making you a more attractive candidate for admission.
    • Holistic Evaluation: Universities often use a holistic approach to evaluate applicants, considering various factors such as academic records, extracurricular activities, and standardized test scores. A high TestAs score can strengthen your overall application and complement other aspects of your profile.
    • Increased Admission Chances: A strong performance in TestAs can increase your chances of admission to your preferred program or university. It demonstrates your readiness to handle the academic challenges of the program, making you a more appealing candidate.
    • Networking Opportunities: Participating in TestAs and pursuing higher education in Germany can provide valuable networking opportunities. You will have the chance to connect with fellow students, professors, and professionals, building a global network that can support your future career.


    In conclusion, TestAs plays a vital role in shaping your academic journey and opening doors to opportunities in higher education. From enhancing university admissions and demonstrating language proficiency to providing valuable self-assessment and skill development, TestAs offers numerous benefits for international students.

    Its significance extends beyond immediate academic goals, contributing to personal and professional growth and enabling you to achieve success in a global academic environment. By preparing for TestAs with Erisha EduSupport, you can confidently embark on your academic journey


Sheetal Purohit Co-founder & COO
Ms. Sheetal Purohit
Co-founder & COO

Sheetal Purohit, is the guiding force in the formation of Erisha EduSupport, as a part of Rana Group. She has an extensive experience of 23 plus years of teaching and mentoring students. She has a wide array of experience teaching English for many purposes. Be it spoken English, Business English or English for Competitive Exams, Sheetal has taught it all. This shows her versatility in teaching the language because despite the language being the same, the way in which it is tested is different across all these genres.

Ms. Anshu Parmar, Co-founder
Ms. Anshu Parmar

Ms. Anshu Parmar, Co-founder of Erisha EduSupport, is a Software Engineering Graduate, Postgraduate in MBA-Operations and Marketing and a student of IIT - Delhi, experiencing Quantum Technology and Machine learning. With expertise in various fields, she has an experience of 11+ years spread over various domains. Ms. Anshu aim to provide transformative global learning experiences for students which supports them to reach their academic goals, discover their leadership qualities, to explore global career opportunities, and for an intercultural proficiency.

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